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Volcanoes (Spiegl 8th Grade): Spiegl's Assignment

Project Guidelines


1.        Presentations start on: .  We will pick names out of a hat, so please be ready with your presentation on that date.  Not all will present the first day, but all students should be ready.  

 2.      We will try to present 8 or 9 topics per day, finishing with all topics by Tuesday, April 2.   All topic reports should be greater than 3 and no longer than 5 minutes.   Prepare for  a brief question & answer session at the end of your report!              

 3.      Each presenter will be responsible for a 1 page outline of the report, which will be handed out to all class members before the report begins.  First period requires 10 copies, third period – 14 copies, sixth period  – 19 copies, and seventh period requires 17 copies.  Viewers can add notes to these sheets as the presenter directs.  The instructor requires a copy of the outline also WITH A COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHY.

 4.     Quote and cite all sources at the point of usage.   List all sources in a bibliography at the end of the outline, and in the last slide of your presentation.  You should have, as a minimum, 3 print and 3 electronic sources used and cited.  Use NoodleTools for citations and bibliography.

 5.     Students should use Power Point or another similar program (Prezi, Google Slides, etc.) to prepare the presentation.  E-mail the presentation to yourself and open it for projection or bring it on a flash drive.   You may project from the computer at the podium onto the overhead projector.  (NOTE:  If you have a Mac computer, be sure that your presentation software will work on a PC computer.  If you wish to use your Mac to deliver the presentation, you must make sure that you computer has a HDMI slot or bring an adaptor.)                      

6.     Reports should cover the historical significance of the event and its impact on the human population, the scientific or volcanic research community, a time-line of events, diagrams, pictures, maps and your personal statement of interest in the topic.   In other words, whatmade this a big deal.  Try to present a fact that Mr. Spiegl does not know about the topic.   Dig deep!  

7.      You will be judged on completeness (i.e., did you cover all aspects of the topic  appropriately for the audience) 60%; best use of time (did you meaningfully use the allotted class and time) 10%; interest level (were you excited about the topic and convey the   excitement to your audience) 10%; creativity 10%; and outline (do you have one to hand out to everyone) 10%. 

Volcano Topics

  • ​​Eldfell/Heimaey, Iceland, 1973
  • Krakatoa, Indonesia, 1883
  • Tambora, Indonesia, 1812
  • Mt. Pelee, Martinique, 1902
  • Santorini, Thera, Aegean Sea, Greece, Minoans, 1630 BC
  • Pinatubo, Philippines, 1991
  • Valley of 10,000 Smokes/Katmai, Alaska, 1912
  • Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia, 1985
  • El Chichon, Mexico, 1982
  • Vesuvius, Italy, 79 AD and others
  • Yellowstone, prehistory through ongoing monitoring
  • Lake Nyos, Cameroon, 1986
  • Galeras, Colombia, 1993 and ongoing
  • Mt. Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon, 4845? BC
  • Paricutin, Mexico 1943
  • Unzen and the Kraafts, Eruptive history and 1993 event
  • Eyjafjallojokull, Iceland, 2010
  • Kilauea, Hawaii, Since 1983-2015
  • Montserrat, Antilles, Caribbean, 1995
  • Merapi, Indonesia, Decade Volcano, history
  • Mt. St. Helens, David Johnston, Harry Truman, 1980