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German Cities (Daugherty and Paolicchi, German I and II): Assignment and Resources




Suggested Resources

Here are websites that will help you with your research.  Also, remember you can also use the URL:  to get additional information.

General Encyclopedias

These general sources will provide a great overview of Germany.   In addition, each article contains links to websites and in many cases, periodicals (magazines) as well.  

Details of the Assignment

Deutsch I

Reisepläne Projekt

 Fällig am Montag, 4. März


  • Kulturelle Informationen über eine deutsche Stadt und Bundesland erfahren.
  • einen Reiseprospektus (travel brochure) schreiben
  • Eine „Werbung“ (commercial) für diese Reise machen.


Written Portion (essay grade)




  • Form of a travel brochure
  • Between 3 and 5 pages long
  • Description of a city and the state in which the city finds itself
  • Sehenswürdigkeiten (sight-seeing)
  • Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten = accommodations and hotels
  • Transport um die Stadt (transportation around town) and how to get between two places (see Kapitel 10)
  • Kosten



You are to create a travel brochure that attempts to sell an individual on a German city of your choosing. The brochure should be informative, well-designed, and persuasive. You should include pictures of the city, attractions, maps, etc., thus the 3-5 page need not be filled completely with text! In fact, the expectation is that the text portion will need to be between 150-300 words, although you are welcome to do more.


Spoken Portion (speaking assessment grade)

Werbung (Commercial)



  • Videoproduktion in der Form einer Werbung
  • Video will be uploaded to YouTube, but made private. (You have a YouTube account through your account, so you do not/should not use a personal account for this).
  • You may or may not, as you choose, include video footage of yourself speaking, but you should describe the city and the trip in your own words in German. Hint: Try not to sound like you’re reading, but rather like you’re trying to sell something. Here are some suggestions:
    • Show lots of pictures of attractions, cityscapes, etc.
    • Also show a slide or graphic with information on the city and Bundesland
    • City maps are a good idea, as well as maps of the surrounding Bundesland.
  • 2-3 Minutes long (certainly no more than 4 minutes)



Both parts will be graded holistically, based on an AP-style scale (5, 4, 3, 2, 1).

            5 = excellence

            4 = proficiency

            3 = competence

            2 = suggests lack of competence

            1 = significantly flawed


The overall content is by far the most important factor in determining these grades, but organization and clarity are also significant factors, as is the aesthetic and general appearance of both the brochure and commercial. Thus, you should ignore no part of the “whole work.” Proper grammar and vocabulary are essential to this overall clarity. Remember the comparison of grammar mistakes to bugs on a windshield.



Good resources for learning more about German cities and Bundeslander can be found under:

  • (for cityname use the name of any city you’re interested in)
  • LibGuide from the MBA library
  • Course Website for links on German Bundesländer