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Civilización de la Maya (Paolicchi Spanish III): Your Assignment

Assignment Instructions

Español 3 (R) – Proyecto #1

Los mayas


Tema: Este proyecto es un estudio de la civilización maya en la península del Yucatán.  Hay que escoger un aspecto de la civilización maya que quieras investigar, y crear una presentación oral en la que expones los resultados de tu investigación.  También debe incluir un elemento visual (video, póster, presentación PowerPoint) para acompañar la presentación oral.


Desarrollo: En grupos de dos, tienen que:

  1. escoger un aspecto de la civilización maya (comida, arquitectura, deportes, sistema social, costumbres, ropa, etc.);
  2. investigar este aspecto, usando recursos de la biblioteca;
  3. crear una presentación visual;
  4. presentar sus descubrimientos oralmente a la clase.


Cada miembro del grupo puede disponer de una ficha con no más de diez palabras para ayudarle con su presentación oral.


Fecha límite: jueves, el 4 de octubre


Calificación: La calificación se divide en tres partes[1]:

●        Presentación oral                                          60%

§         Uso de lengua[2] (30%)

§         Desarrollo (30%)

●        Investigación                                               20%

●        Elemento visual                                            20%



[1] Consulte el esquema de calificación para más información.

[2] Hay que prestar atención en asegurar uso correcto de las estructuras gramaticales estudiadas en clase (presente, verbos como gustar, pretérito e imperfecto).

Grading Rubric



Demuestra excelencia


Demuestra dominio


Demuestra competencia


Sugiere / demuestra incompetencia

Selection of sources

Identified 2+ highly appropriate sources using the libguide provided.



Identified less than the minimum required sources, and/or did not use the libguide provided.

Note-taking & Keywords

Extracted relevant information


Brainstormed keywords, categories, & related terms


Wrote notes including succinct key facts which directly help with the presentation. 


wrote notes using student’s own words.

Extracted mostly relevant information


Selected mostly effective keywords to use in researching the topic


Wrote notes which included facts that help the presentation


wrote notes using student’s own words.

Extracted information which wasn’t relevant

And /or

Selected some keywords that were not effective in researching the topic


Wrote notes which included irrelevant facts and/or not directly relate to the presentation.


 copied directly from the original source.

Extracted irrelevant information


Selected no effective keywords to use in researching the topic


Wrote notes which included a majority of facts which did not pertain to the presentation


 Most or all notes were copied word-for-word from the original source.

Citation & Documentation

Cited all sources & pictures accurately using Noodletools.



Did not cite all source & pictures accurately using Noodletools.

Esquemas de calificación

Investigación – 20%


Presentación oral – 60%



Demuestra excelencia


Demuestra dominio


Demuestra competencia


Sugiere / demuestra falta de competencia

Topic Development, Content, &  Organization


Treatment of topic is relevant & thorough.

Information is presented clearly and concisely with logical and very well-organized flow of ideas.

Treatment of topic is relevant and well developed.

Most of the information is presented in a clear, concise fashion with a logical progression of ideas.

Treatment of topic is relevant.

Some of the information may not be presented clearly or concisely, and/or may lack organization.

Treatment of topic may be / is somewhat irrelevant.

Information presented is unfocused, poorly organized and/or suggests little thought to being clear and concise.

Language Use


Correct use and control of a variety of structures with very few errors.

Rich vocabulary used with precision.

High level of fluency & excellent pronunciation.


Use of complex structures, but may have more than a few errors.

Very good variety of vocabulary used correctly.

Very good fluency and pronunciation.

Control of simple structures with few errors; may use complex structures with little or no control.

Good range of vocabulary, but may have occasional interference from another language.

Good fluency with occasional hesitancy.  Good pronunciation

Limited control of simple structures, with multiple errors.

Narrow range of vocabulary; frequent interference from another language may occur. 

Labored expression; minimal fluency.  Fair pronunciation, which may affect comprehension.



Evident that group shared equal responsibility in the creation & presentation of the project.



Evident that one member carried more weight than the other in completing and/or presenting the project.

Elemento visual – 20%




Demuestra excelencia


Demuestra dominio


Demuestra competencia


Sugiere / demuestra falta de competencia



All visuals are clear, highly relevant, and complement the presentation very well.

Most visuals are clear, relevant, and complement the presentation well.

Some visuals may not be clear and/or may be relevant and/or may not complement the presentation.

Visuals are not clear and/or may not be relevant and/or do not complement the presentation.



Visual element demonstrates a high degree of creativity.

Visual element demonstrates good creativity.

Visual element demonstrates some creativity.

Visual element demonstrates little to no creativity.



Grade breakdown:

4 = 100            3 = 87.5           2 = 75              1 = 62.5           0 = 0