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Un Mexicano Famoso (Victoria Spanish I): Grading Rubrics



Notecard 1

Notecard 2

Research Notes (50)


_____Notecard is completed on NoodleTools and linked to a bibliography. (5)

_____Card contains many relevant and useful details paraphrased in the student’s own words (10)

_____The student has included ideas on how to incorporate relevant grammar and vocabulary in the “my ideas” section. (5)

_____The notes are completed on time. (5)


_____Notecard is completed on NoodleTools and linked to a bibliography. (5)

_____Card contains many relevant and useful details paraphrased in the student’s own words (10)

_____The student has included ideas on how to incorporate relevant grammar and vocabulary in the “my ideas” section. (5)

_____The notes are completed on time. (5)

Works Consulted Page (25)


_____Includes minimum of 2 different content sources (5)

_____MLA formatting is correct (double-spaced, indented, alphabetized, content correct) (5)

_____Works Consulted is typed with appropriate heading (5)

_____Source selection demonstrates good judgment. Sources are accurate, current, relevant, and authoritative. (5)

_____Works Consulted is turned in on time. (5)



TOTAL ____________/75

VIDEO DIARY (200 Puntos)


___________/100  (X2 in category)






Accuracy (20)

Few to no mistakes in grammar or vocabulary choices.

Some mistakes in grammar or vocabulary choices though communication is still mostly clear.

Many mistakes in grammar or vocabulary choices that may impede communication.


Pronunciation (10)

Speaking follows basic Spanish pronunciation patterns and is highly audible and clear.

Speaking follows basic Spanish pronunciation patterns though with occasional errors. Speaking is audible and usually clear.

Speaking does not follow basic Spanish pronunciation patterns consistently or may be inaudible or lack clarity frequently.

Content (25)

Presentation includes all required components with many details that go beyond the minimum requirement. Student successfully integrates his research into his presentation using relevant vocabulary/grammar choices.

Presentation includes all required components with at least the minimum number of details. Student attempts to  integrate his research into his presentation using relevant vocabulary/grammar choices.

Presentation does not include all of required elements or meet minimum standards. Presentation does not demonstrate the integration of research.

Language Use (20)

Speaking successfully incorporates 5-6:

____possessive adjectives

____ser de

____ser + traits


____tener que

____Present tense verbs

Speaking successfully incorporates at least 4 of the target structures.

Speaking incorporates 3 or less of the target structures.

Fluency (10)

Speaking flows smoothly from one though to the next with few pauses or interruptions. Student has clearly prepared and is not reading.

Speaking flows from one though to the next with limited pauses or interruptions. Student is mostly prepared.

Speaking does not flow smoothly from one though to the next and may include numerous pauses or interruptions. Student does not appear prepared and may be reading.

Execution (15)

Student’s performance is engaging and interesting. Student appropriately uses costuming, make-up (if appropriate), setting, and/or other audio/visual effects to create his video. Performance is highly creative.

Video quality is good, audible, and delivered on time.

Student’s performance is somewhat engaging. Student attempts to use costuming, make-up (if appropriate), setting, and/or other audio/visual effects to create his video. Performance is somewhat creative.

Video quality is good, audible, and delivered on time.

Student’s performance is not engaging. Student does not attempt to use costuming, make-up (if appropriate), setting, and/or other audio/visual effects to create his video. Performance is not creative.

Video quality may be poor or video may be delivered late.