Alfonso Cuarón (director) |
Antonio López de Santa Ana (militar) |
Benito Juárez (presidente) |
Cuauhtémoc (líder indígena) |
David Alfaro Siqueiros (artista) |
Diego Rivera (artista) |
Emiliano Zapata (revolucionario) |
Felipe Calderón (presidente) |
Frida Kahlo (artista) |
Gaél García Bernal (actor) |
José Clemente Orozco (artista) |
Mario “Cantinflas” Moreno (actor, cómico) |
Mario Molina (científico) |
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (activista, sacerdote, revolucionario) |
Montezuma II (emperador azteca) |
Octavio Paz (escritor) |
Pancho Villa (revolucionario) |
Pedro Infante (actor, cantante) |
Porfirio Díaz (dictador) |
Salma Hayek (actriz) |
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (escritora) |
Vicente Fox (presidente) |
o You should present completely in Spanish for ~2 minutes.
o You should not be reading in your video. You should memorize your monologue before recording.
o Your video should be good quality and uploaded to your YouTube channel on time. Be sure that the video is NOT set to private. You will lose execution points for late work or videos that do not work.
o Send me your link via email BEFORE your period begins on the due date.
o You should research your person using reputable, authoritative sources, which may be either print or electronic.
o You should have at least 2 different sources that you document using NoodleTools. You should create 1 notecard per source and use NoodleTools to set up your bibliography. You will turn in a hard copy of your bibliography which you can also create in NoodleTools.
§ Open your account.
§ Create a new project (Proyecto 2-YourName).
§ Share your project with me so that I can see your notes and sources.
o Your notes may be in English, but you should use the “MY IDEAS” section to write ideas on relevant grammar and vocabulary you can use in your presentation.
For this project, you will research and portray a notable person of Mexican descent in a short video diary. You will need to prepare a monologue in which you dress and act as this person in your video, choosing appropriate costuming, setting, etc. for your scene. You will open the scene by telling us the date. You should choose a date that marks an important moment in this persona’s life/career. This date will determine your age and traits at the time of your video diary.
· Use subject pronouns and ser to describe where someone is from
· Use ser to describe what someone is like
· Use definite and indefinite articles
· Use possessive adjectives to show possession and relationships
· Demonstrate an understanding of adjective/noun agreement
· Use tener to describe some physical traits and age
· Use present tense AR, ER, IR verbs to describe daily activities
3 de noviembre: choose your research subject
3-6 de noviembre: get your NoodeTools account set-up and ready to go
7 de noviembre: research day in the lab
10 de noviembre: both research note cards due on NoodleTools
11 de noviembre: rough draft of your monologue due
12-21 de noviembre: independent prep time and recording
24 de noviembre: video diary and typed MLA formatted Works Consulted page due by your period
All work on this project should represent your own work and knowledge. Translators of any sort are never allowed, though you may use your textbook and/or a dictionary. You should use relevant grammar and vocabulary we have covered so far this year. This project does not require you to use additional grammar structures that we have not learned. Think creatively about how you can fulfill the language requirements using the vocabulary and grammar structures we have worked with so far. You may always come during help session in the morning to seek extra assistance or get clarification.