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Progressive Era (Bailey): Resources

Tools for researching the Progressive Era (1890-1920) of American History.

Ebook Reference

On Reserve in the Library

Destiny, the MBA Library's Online Catalog

Database: ABC-CLIO History

Four interactive programs that use primary documents, video, audio, and maps, to cover units in American History, American Government, World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras, and World History: The Modern Era.

Click here for access.

Database: American History Online

USE THE SEARCH BOX BELOW!  Resource containing biographies, subject entries, primary sources, timelines, image galleries, and map galleries.


General Encyclopedias

These general sources will provide a great overview of your person.   In addition, each article contains links to websites and in many cases, periodicals (magazines) as well.  Remember, you'll need usernames and passwords if you are researching off campus.  See the box on this page for the off-campus link.