Español 1
Proyecto 3: ¡Vamos a España!
Tema: En grupos de dos, los estudiantes van a crear una presentación de un viaje a España. Imagina que tú y tu compañero van de vacaciones a España. Durante el viaje, Uds. filman tus aventuras (adventures).
Desarrollo: Los estudiantes van a crear una presentación visual y oral (un video) de sus vacaciones, presentando las actividades y las atracciones de España.
Un proyecto completo incluirá lo siguiente:
(1. arte/música, 2. historia/cultura, 3. comida/ir de compras, 4. deportes/festivales)
El video debe ser entre 5 a 7 minutos, totalmente en español. Debes poner el video final en YouTube y mandar el enlace (link) a Sra. Victoria antes de clase.
el 3 de febrero: selecciona a tu compañero
el 9 de febrero: apuntes de investigación
el 16 de febrero: borrador de la presentación (draft of presentation created together using GoogleDocs-submit via email)
el 23 de febrero: video final, Bibliografía (typed)
¿Qué necesitas describir con cada atracción?
Proyecto 3 Nombre__________________________________________________
Notas _________/100 |
Strong/Good (5-4) |
Fair (3) |
Weak/Poor (2-1) |
Content, Culture, Organization and Creativity (40%) |
Video includes all elements of assigned project.
Cultural research is evident and smoothly integrated into the presentation.
Information is presented clearly and concisely with logical and very well-organized flow of ideas.
Uses numerous and varied images and live action scenes that are appropriate and relevant, interesting, and capture the audiences’ attention. Presentation is engaging, creative, and informative. |
Video includes most elements that were assigned.
Some research is evident.
Presented most of the information in a clear fashion with mostly logical progression of ideas.
Uses some images and live action that are appropriate and relevant, and somewhat interesting but may lack variety. |
Video is missing more than one element of the task.
Very little research is evident or activities are completely generic.
The information presented is unfocused, poorly organized, and/or suggests little thought to being clear and concise.
Uses few images or live action that are appropriate and/or relevant, and/or interesting. Visuals may lack variety or may not be appropriate. Project is not very engaging, creative, or informative. |
Language Use (40%) |
All elements of speaking are strong. Message flows smoothly and pronunciation is clear and follows basic Spanish pronunciation patterns.
The student accurately uses a variety of verb structures and vocabulary that are relevant to the task (demonstrates superior knowledge). Target structures from Cap. 4 are integrated.
Language usage is highly accurate and comprehensible with few mistakes. |
Student demonstrates proficiency in all categories and delivers a comprehensible message, but there may be less fluency and occasional pronunciation issues.
Student integrates some relevant vocabulary and grammar choices, though there they may lack variety.
There may be accuracy issues in vocabulary/grammar choices that impede communication at times though there is an attempt to use more advanced structures. |
Student does not demonstrate proficiency in all categories. There may be issues with fluency and frequent pronunciation problems that impede comprehension.
Integration of varied vocabulary/grammar choices may be lacking and there might be major accuracy issues that impede communication.
Student may over-rely on the same basic structures rather than integrate more advanced language. |
Execution and Collaboration (20%)
Quality of the final product is professional, and clear planning and preparation are demonstrated.
There are no technical issues. The organization of images, any written content, and spoken content is logical and clear. All components of the project align and the presentation is easy to follow.
Evident that group shared equal responsibility in the creation of the project and creating & performing in the video. |
Quality of the final product is mostly professional and some planning and preparation are demonstrated.
There are no major technical issues. The organization of images, any written content, and spoken content is mostly logical and clear.
Most components of the project align and the presentation is usually easy to follow though there may be some issues occasionally. |
Quality of the final product is not professional and planning/preparation is not clearly demonstrated.
There may be major technical issues. The organization of images, written content, and spoken content is not always logical or clear. Many components of the project do not seem to align and the presentation is hard to follow.
Final product may be late or incomplete.
Evident that one member carried more weight than the other in completing the project and creating & performing in the video. |
5=100 4=90 3=80 2=70 1=60
Investigación / Bibliografía (30 puntos)
Apuntes de investigación (individual grade) 10
-Notes are complete, in Spanish, and contain highly relevant, specific cultural content from a minimum of 4 different sources
MLA Formatted Bibliografía (typed: one per group) 20
-Proper title (3)
-Double Spaced (3)
-Proper Indentation (2)
-Alphabetized (2)
-Content is correct and complete (5)
-Sources are high quality, from professional organizations and/or peer-reviewed (5)
*Simply pasting a URL will receive NO CREDIT.
*Exclude n.d. and n.p. from final citations.
Academic Integrity: All work on this project should be your own. You may not consult unapproved outside sources. I will give you feedback, and you may ask follow up questions, but you may NOT consult with people other than your partner. You should NOT use translators or unapproved resources. You may consult with the library for research help. Honor code violations may receive a zero on work and recommendation to appear before the Honor Council. Remember, this is about using the language skills that YOU have to present about culture relevant to our curriculum. Grammar and vocabulary choices should reflect the Spanish 1 curriculum.
Apuntes de investigación Nombre_________________________Palabra de honor__________
Esquema |
Apuntes |
Introducción -saludos -nombres -adónde van: ciudad(es) |
Actividades |
Divide las atracciones entre los 2 miembros del grupo |
Arte/Música ¿Qué es? ¿Dónde está? ¿Por qué vas? ¿Qué haces? ¿Cómo estás?
Comida/Ir de compras |
Historia/Cultura |
Deportes/Festivales |
Arte/Música |
Historia/Cultura |
Comida/Ir de compras |
Deportes/Festivales |
-el flamenco* -un concierto de un artista español* -un museo famoso* -tomar una clase de baile tradicional* |
-el Palacio Real -El Escorial -La Alhambra -un castillo medieval* -una catedral* -la mezquita de Córdoba -la Sagrada Familia -el Parc Güell -la Casa Batlló -El Parque Retiro |
-tapear (comer tapas)* -El Rastro en Madrid -la paella* -una churrería* -El Corte Inglés -un mercado tradicional* -Gran Vía
-San Fermín (el encierro de toros) -la Tomatina -las Fallas de Valencia -un partido de fútbol* -una corrida de toros* -el Camino de Santiago -Carnaval* -ir a la playa* |
*Note: If the activity you choose is general, you must describe more specific details. For example, if you choose “ir a un museo famoso”, you should choose a city and a specific famous museum within that city that you will present.