Mr. Lawrence
8th Cultural Geography
Big Red Peace Conference
During class on Monday, we will conduct a simulation of peace negotiations between the interested parties in the Middle East. You will be assigned to teams in groups of three to four, will research the position you are assigned to represent, and will then negotiate in keeping with your side’s position. I expect you to work together as a team and to abide by the negotiation rules and guidelines below.
Israel – settler living in the West Bank
Israel – Likud party member
Palestinian – Fatah member from West Bank
Palestinian – Hamas member from Gaza
Using the resources below, you should be prepared to discuss Israeli/Palestinian issues reflecting the views of your assigned group. Topics for discussion/debate should include the following:
1.Palestinian statehood
2.boundaries for Israel and Palestine
3.status of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif
4.status of refugees and right-of-return
5.disposition of Israeli settlements in West Bank
6.Israeli security from suicide bombings and rocket attacks
-all discussions will take place in an environment of mutual respect and courtesy; be polite even if you disagree vehemently
-each side will identify itself briefly and then present its case for a just resolution
-each presentation will be followed by a question/answer period
-following all the presentations, sides will discuss possible compromises in an orderly fashion
-The more actual data (statistics, figures, true stories, etc) you bring to the table, the more convincing you will be. The minimum acceptable effort will be knowing what your side’s view on each of the issues is; much more desirable will be actually having solid arguments and support for those arguments.
-ALL team members should participate!!
Position Papers: Due Friday – Using between 1/2 and 2/3 page for each topic/issue, identify your group and explain your group’s viewpoint on 2 major topic/issues (as viewed on next page) in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Cite your sources at the end of each position paper (2 sources minimum per position)
Group Position File: Due Monday at the beginning of class – Using a shared google document, combine Position Papers into one Position File that you will universally reference during the Peace Conference on Monday.
Resources (reading assignment) reports on Israel, West Bank, and Gaza
Brief introductions
Topic 1 – Palestine Statehood
Topic 2 – Boundaries for States
Topic 3 – Jerusalem Status and Temple Mount/Al-Shariff
Topic 4 - Status of Refugees / Right of Return
Topic 5 – Dispossession / Status of Israeli Settlements on the West Bank
Topic 6 – Israeli Security from Rocket Attacks / Suicide Bombings
Topic 7 – SURPRISE Water Rights (aquifer under West Bank)
Proposition 30 seconds –
Questioning 30 seconds each –
Response 30 seconds –
Questioning 30 seconds each –
Summation 30 seconds -
Vote –
Group Grading will be evaluated as follows:
Most Convincing: maximum total - 100
More Convincing: maximum total - 95
Moderately Convincing: maximum total - 90
Least Convincing: maximum total - 85
Individual Grades will be averaged with the group grade for each Project score.