Terms are listed by page number in chronological order from the Vintage Press edition, 1992. Spanish conversation is italicized.
1. pierglass (3): a large mirror
2. Buenas días, guapo. (4) Good morning, handsome.
Comó? What?
La candela. La vela. The candle. The candle
No fui yo. It wasn’t me.
La señora The mistress of the house.
Claro. Of course.
Ya se levantó? She’s already up?
Antes que yo. Before me.
3. Algo más, señora? (15) Anything else, m’am?
No… Gracias. No, thank you.
Buenas noches, señora. Good night, m’am.
4. Más cafe? (22) More coffee?
Si, por favor. Yes, thank you.
Hace mucho frio. It is very cold.
Bastante. Enough.
5. soogan (31): Bedroll
catspaw: a hitch knot formed with two eyes for attaching a line to a hook
6. gypwater (38): containing gypsum
bajada: drop, slope
7. gunsel (43): goose or criminal
8. guttapercha (47): a tough rubber-like substance made from Malaysian trees
9. mesquite (49): spiny leguminous trees or shrubs that often form thickets; produce sweet pods eaten by livestock
nopal: prickly pear cactus
creosote: a shrub in southwestern desert with small leaves and a pungent smell; also called greasewood
jacales : huts with a thatched roof and walls made of upright poles or sticks covered and chinked with mud or clay
tienda: store or shop
10. Tiene algo que tomar? (50) Do you have anything to drink?
Sidrón Cider
Mande? Yes; pardon
11. Cuánto (51) How much
Uno cincuenta. One fifty.
12. Buenas tardes (52) Good afternoon.
Pásale. Pass on.
Deben comer. You ought to eat.
13. Está bien? (53) Okay?
14. lechugilla (61) large, wild lettuce shaped like a crown, used for making baskets
zacateros: people who work with hay either by cutting it or selling it
esclarajos: lighter
15. Son de Tejas? (62) Are you (plural) from
Bueno. Vámanos. Good. Let’s go.
Buena suerte. Good luck.
16. candelilla (65) plant with large leaves used to make wax
17. paloverde (73): any of several small spiny trees or bushes of the legume family with small greenish leaves; literally "green tree"
ocotillo: thorny, scarlet-flowered candlewood shrub
Tienen algo que comer? Do you have something to eat?
18. Qué vale? (75) What is it worth?
Es mucho trabajo. It is a lot of work.
Bastante. Enough.
Es su hermano, el rubio? Is he your brother, the blond?
Quíen es? Who is he?
Un muchacho, no más. A kid, no more.
Algún parentesco? Any kinship?
19. Un amigo (76): a friend
Qué vale? What is it worth?
Gracias por su hospitalidad. Thank you for your hospitality.
20. pollarded (78): cut off at the top
21. hackamore (81): a bridle with a loop capable of being tightened about the nose in place of a bit or with a slip noose passed over the lower jaw
22. chaparral (85): vegetation consisting chiefly of tangled shrubs and thorny bushes
23. nopal (88): cactus
24. vaqueros (91): herdsman, cowboy
25. bajadas (93): dips or slopes
caballero: vernacular for “cowboy”; originally meant “gentleman who travels by horse”
26. ciénagas (94): swamps or marshes
gerente: manager
caporal: foreman
Terms are listed by page number in chronological order from the Vintage Press edition, 1992. Spanish conversation is italicized.
Chapter II
bolsón: flat land
barrial: basin
hacendados: head or owner of the hacienda
mozos: young men
kiacks: baskets hung on the side of pack animals
28. Media sangres (101): medium bloods, or quarterhorses
yeguada : herd of horses
Amansadores: horse trainers, special ones who talk softly to wild horses
Ambos: both
Hay dieciseis caballos en el potrero. There are sixteen horses in the corral.
Podemos amansarlos en cuatro días. We will be able to break them in four days.
29. manilla (102): special glove
maguey: the century plant; a large cactus with big blue-green leaves that fan out from the base. Blooms once every 17 years.
ixtle: rope made from a type of agave plant
mecates: lead ropes that attach to the horse halter, used in leading or training horses
30. grullo (105): a black horse with white hairs mixed in so that it looks charcoal gray
31. potrero (106): open lot
32. remuda (108): round pen or corral
33. laguna (109): lagoon
mesteño: mustang
34. madroño (110): strawberry trees (?)
arroyos: a water-carved gullies or channels
35. curandero (111): medicine man
Y de los hombres? And the men?
36. Un ratito (112) A moment.
Café por favor. Coffee, please.
Norteños northerners
Pásale. Pass on.
bizcochos: sponge cake; biscuits
38. criollo (115): any of a breed of hardy muscular ponies originally developed in
39. rechoncha: round or bun-shaped
40. readyrolls (118): manufactured cigarettes found in a pack; unlike cigarettes that have to be rolled dand prepared by hand.
41. tienda (120): shop or store
42. A las chicas (122) To the girls
Listos? Ready?
43. Al contrario. (123) To the contrary
44. mojado-reverso (124): a rebel
45. Sí…Es una troca muy fuerte.(126) Yes…a very powerful truck.
Bueno…Y el caballo? Good…And the horse?
Está un poco cansado de su viaje, pero es muy bonito. He is a little tired from traveling, but is still very fine.
Con su permiso. With your permission
Le gusta? Do you like him?
46. la única cosa (127): the only thing
manada: herd
47. Soy comandante de las yeguas…yo y yo sólo. Sin las caridad de estas manos no tengas nada. Ni comida ni agua ni hijos. Soy yo que
traigo las yeguas de las montañas, les yeguas jóvenes, las yeguassalvajes y ardientes. (128) I am the leader (commander) of the
horses, I and I alone. Without the charity of these hands, you have nothing. Neither food nor water nor children. I am the one who brings the mares
from the mountains, the young mares, the wild and hot-blooded mares.
48. Dueña (132): proprietress; mistress
stereopticon: A magic lantern, especially one with two projectors arranged so as to produce dissolving views or combinations of images
Te espera. She is waiting for you.
49. circassian walnut (133): the light brown irregularly black-veined wood of the English walnut much used for veneer and cabinetwork
50. Momento. (139): A moment
51. Digame…Cuál es lo peor: Que soy pobre o que soy Americano? (147) Tell me...What the worst: that I’m poor or that I’m American?
Una llave de oro abre cualquier puerta. A golden key opens any door.
Tienes razón. I have my reasons.
Cómo? What?
Sí. Ella está aquí. Desde ayer. Yes. She is here since yesterday.
52. Quién es? (150) Who is it?
Vámonos. Let’s go.
Dónde están sus armas? Where are your weapons?
No tengo armas. I have no weapons.
Dónde está su caballo? Where is your horse?
En el segundo puesto. In the second stall.
No hable. Don’t talk.
Terms are listed by page number in chronological order from the Vintage Press edition, 1992. Spanish conversation is italicized.
Chapter III
53. Muy amable. Muchas gracias. (156) Very kind. Thank you very much.
Son americanos ustedes? Are you Americans?
Son ladrones? Robbers?
Sí. Ladrones muy famosos. Bandoleros. Yes. Very famous thieves. Bandits.
bellcot: bell tower (?)
54. judas-hole (157): a peephole in a door
Las esposas. The handcuffs
Cuidad con el bote. Take care with the pot (can).
55. De qué crimen queda acusado el joven? What crime is the young man (kid) accused of?
Asesinato. Murder.
El ha matado un hombre? He has killed a man?
56. Somos vaqueros. (164) We are cowboys.
57. marca (165): brand
factura: registered papers, invoice, bill of sale
Cazador. Hunter
58. Demes su billetera. (167) Give me your wallet.
59. baldíos: (175) uncultivated
estancia: ranch or farm
charro: Mexican cowboy
60. Sólo el
Están esperando. They are waiting.
61. paletas (178): popsicles
62. lista (182): list
pozole: boiled barley and beans
63. gabachos (185): frogs (derogatory slang for Frenchmen)
Bolillos: drumsticks (derogatory)
64. lucha (188): fight, struggle
65. trucha (189): knife
sallyport: a secure entryway (as at a prison) that consists of a series of doors or gates
66. alcaide (190): prison governor, warden
Quisiera hablar con el señor Pérez, I would like to speak with Mr. Perez.
Con respect de que? With respect to what?
Con respect de mi cuate. In regard to my buddy.
67. Ne toma el pelo. (191) Don’t tease me.
castellano: Spanish
68. cuchillero (192): a brawler or one clever with a knife
salón de belleza: beauty salon
69. previas (193): preliminary hearing
70: Joven (195): young man, kid
71. Quiero comprar una trucha. (196) I want to buy a knife.
Cúanto dinero tienes? How much money do you have?
Cuarenta y cinco pesos. Forty-five pesos.
Dámelo. Give it to me.
La tendré esta tarde. I’ll tend to it this afternoon
72. Siéntate. (197) Take a seat.
punche: Mexican tobacco
esclarajo: lighter
No tienes visitantes? Don’t you have visitors?
73. Hay un cordón. (198) There is a cord.
pachuco: Mexican gang member
74. tamalera (199): tamale seller
75. homunculous (200): little man
76. Ven conmigo. Está bien. (202) Come with me. It’s okay.
No me moleste. Don’t bother me.
El padrote quiere ayudarle. The patron wants to help you.
77. Quién está? (203) Who is there?
demandadero: servant in a jail
78. Dame el refresco. Nada más. Give me the pop (soft drink). Nothing more.
Nada más? Nothing more?
La luz. The light.
79. Mejor que nunca. (205) Better than ever.
Quién és usted? Who are you?
80. djinn (207): a genie
Sus prendas Your clothes.
Dónde está mi compadre. Where is my friend?
81. Cuándo (208) When.
82. farmacia (213): pharmacy
83. callejón (216): alley
Terms are listed by page number in chronological order from the Vintage Press edition, 1992. Spanish conversation is italicized.
84. De dónde viene? (219) Where do you come from?
De Tejas.
Y dónde va? And where are you going?
Él va a ver a su novia. He goes to see his girlfriend.
85. pan dulce (220): Mexican sweet bread
cofferdam: A type of watertight construction designed to facilitate construction projects in areas which are normally submerged,
86. Quién está en la casa? (222) Who’s in the house?
La dama. The lady.
Y el señor Rocha? And Mr. Rocha?
Se fue él y la hija a
Cuándo regresa? When does he return?
Quién sabe? Who knows?
Tus cosas quedan aquí. Your things are here.
Tu pistol. Todas tus cosas. Y las de tu compadre. Your pistol. Your stuff. And those of your friend.
De nada. You’re welcome.
Yo no sé nada, joven. I don’t know anything, kid.
Entiendo. I understand.
En serio. Seriously.
Está bien. Puedo dormire en la cuadra? Can I sleep in the stable?
Si no me lo digas. If you don’t tell me.
Cómo están las yeguas? How are the mares?
87. quinta (223): country house
Puedes esperar aquí. Se levantará pronto. You can wait here. She will get up soon.
88. Quisiera un caballo. (224) I would like a horse.
Por el día, no más. For the day, no more.
Momentito. Just a moment.
Tienes tu caballo. Espérante un momento. Siéntate. You have your horse. Wait just a moment. Take a seat.
Ándale pues. Let’s go.
89. vigas (226): beams
Eres tú? Is it you?
Claro. Of course.
Estás bienvenido aquí. You are welcome here.
90. Ya comiste? (227) You already ate?
Hay tiempo. There is time.
Está en la sala. She is in the parlor.
91. gachupines (230): insulting name for Spaniards
92. Teníamos compadrazgo con su familia. (232) We were like one of the family.
93. diaspora (238): a movement, migration, or scattering of people away from their ancestral homeland
94. playa (242): plaza
isinglass: mica
95. Dónde vive? (243) Where do you live?
Puede vivir con nosotros. You can live with us.
Es bonita, su novia? She is beautiful, your intended?
Es un problema. It is a problem.
De acuerdo. I agree.
Qué ofensa le dio a la abuelita? What offense did you give the grandmother?
Es una historia larga. It’s a long story.
95. Puede dejarlo atrás. (244) You can leave it behind.
96. Afuera. (245) Outside.
Por dónde? Wherever?
Por aquí. Through here.
97. Viene la madrugada. (252) It’s morning.
Hice una manda. I made a vow.
Lloraba tu madre. Con más razón tu puta. Your mother was crying. Because of your whore.
paseos: passageway
callejones: alleys
vendresses: sellers
melcochas: molasses candy
charamuscas: twisted candy
98. alcatraz (253): small container (a place to stuff things; comes from pelican)
Esquina de la Calle
Quién fue el Pensador Mexicano? Who was the Mexican Thinker?
Calle de Noche Triste. Street of Sad Night
99. alameda (254): mall
100. phaeton (256): any of various light four-wheeled horse-drawn vehicles
armeria: armory
calle: street, road
101. Cierra la puerta (258) Close the door.
102. criada (259): maid, cleaning woman
Mande? I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. What did you say?
Ya estás, Viejo? Ready, old man?
Si, cómo no. Sure.
Ven aquí. Come here.
No lo mire a él. Te lo digo yo. Àndale. Don’t look at him. I’m telling you. Go.
103. zaguán (260): hall
Tenemos un problema. We have a problem.
Ven aquí. Come here.
Quiero mi caballo. I want my horse.
104. Tú. Dónde están los otros caballos. (261) You. Where are the other horses.
En la hacienda de Don Rafael. At Don Rafael’s estate.
105. Quíen está? (262) Who is it?
Respóndele. Answer.
Quíen más? Who is it?
Tenemos un preso. We have a prisoner.
Un ladrón. A robber.
Tenemos que ver un caballo. We need to see a horse.
Cúal caballo? Which horse?
El caballo Americano. The American horse.
Qúe pasó, hombre? What’s going on, man?
106. Quién está contigo? (264) Who’s with you?
Espera aquí. Wait here.
Quiero mis caballos. Nada más. I want my horses. Nothing more.
107. No tire el caballo. (265) Don’t shoot the horse.
No me mate. Don’t kill me.
108. Pásale. Nadie le va a molestar. (266) Move along. No one is going to hurt you.
Está loco. He is crazy.
109. Tiene razón. (267) You’re right.
110. Me entiende? (270) Do you understand me?
111. tinaja (273): jar
112. Podemos descansar un poco mas adelante. Vámonos. (277) We can rest a little later. Come.
113. Quitese su camisa. (278) Take off your shirt.
No tiene otra salida. You have no other choice.
Está compuesto? Is it set?
114. rebozo (284): wrap, shawl
115. hectares (289): units of area equal to 10,000 square meters
116. madrina (292): police informer
117. Sum buck (298): (slang) son of a bitch