[1] Cada grupo debe ser preparado para presentar el primer día. Si un grupo no es preparado, no importa cuál sea la razón, se quitará 15% de la nota final por cada día tarde.
Las notas se basarán en lo siguiente
Grupos: grupos de dos
Tema: Cada grupo es responsable de crear una campaña publicitaria para informarle a la gente por qué hay que cuidar el medioambiente.
Desarrollo: Cada grupo es responsable de investigar una región del mundo hispanohablante en que hay un problema con el medioambiente. Luego, cada grupo tiene que crear un folleto informativo y un video publicitario (un anuncio de servicio público para la televisión) que incluye los siguientes elementos:
División de tareas: El proyecto se divide en las siguientes secciones:
Investigación – 30%
4 Muy bien |
3 Bien |
2 Así así |
1 Pudo ser mejor |
Selection of sources |
Identified 3+ highly appropriate sources |
X |
X |
Identified less than the minimum required sources. |
Note-taking & Keywords |
Extracted relevant information & Took notes using student’s own words. |
Extracted mostly relevant information & Mostly took notes using student’s own words. |
Extracted mostly information that isn’t relevant And /or Copies regularly from original source. |
Extracted irrelevant information and/or Most or all notes were copied word-for-word from the original source. |
Citation & Documentation |
Cited all sources & pictures accurately using Noodletools. |
X |
X |
Did not cite all source & pictures accurately using Noodletools. |
Desarrollo y uso de lengua – 70% ( The average grade of the video and the folleto )
4 Muy bien |
3 Bien |
2 Así así |
1 Pudo ser mejor |
Topic Development, Content, & Organization 35% |
Treatment of topic is relevant & thorough. Information is presented clearly and concisely with logical and very well-organized flow of ideas. All visuals are relevant and complement the presentation Group demonstrates a high degree of creativity. |
Treatment of topic is relevant and well developed. Most of the information is presented in a clear, concise fashion with a logical progression of ideas. Most visuals are relevant and complement the presentation Group demonstrates good creativity. |
Treatment of topic is relevant. Some of the information may not be presented clearly or concisely, and/or may lack organization. Some visuals may not be relevant and/or may complement the presentation. Group demonstrates some creativity. |
Treatment of topic may be / is somewhat irrelevant. Information presented is unfocused, poorly organized and/or suggests little thought to being clear and concise. More than a few visuals may not be appropriate, relevant, and/or do not complement the presentation. Group demonstrates little creativity. |
Language Use 35% |
Correct use and control of a variety of structures with very few errors. Rich vocabulary used with precision. High level of fluency & excellent pronunciation.
Use of complex structures, but may have more than a few errors. Very good variety of vocabulary used correctly. Very good fluency and pronunciation. |
Control of simple structures with few errors; may use complex structures with little or no control. Good range of vocabulary, but may have occasional interference from another language. Good fluency with occasional hesitancy. Good pronunciation |
Limited control of simple structures, with multiple errors. Narrow range of vocabulary; frequent interference from another language may occur. Labored expression; minimal fluency. Fair pronunciation, which may affect comprehension. |
Collaboration 30% |
Evident that group shared equal responsibility in the creation & presentation of the project. |
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Evident or highly suspected that one member carried more weight than the other in completing and/or presenting the project. |
Grade breakdown:
4 = 100 3 = 87.5 2 = 75 1 = 62.5 0 = 0