This year’s final project will be a study of All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren. You will research at least five secondary sources (critics), take 30 note cards (no biographical information), and organize a 5-6 page research paper on a theme that is central to this novel and the southern literature we have read this term. If you have an 80+ average in English IV for the second semester, this project will count as the final exam.
This assignment's objectives are to teach you how to use the library and how to organize a long essay that combines your thoughts with the ideas of other critics. In addition, you will learn to use Noodletools to create bibliographical cards and note cards from databases and from books/reference materials.
Since we will have read All the King's Men by mid April, we will begin taking note cards in April, the first set of which is due in late April (see the deadlines tab above). There will also be an orientation in class on how to use the library and Noodletools. The last six days of the year, you will turn in an outline and then write the paper in class.
Image Source: Wikipedia