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Research and Communications (Brown and Lepp)

This guide is primarily for use by 8th grade research students but contains helpful information for all students.

Book Research

Where can you find books?

Other than the public libraries around your city, the first stop should always be our MBA catalog. You can find the catalog here. Within our MBA catalog, make sure to take advantage of every feature. You can search by title, author, type of resource, and much more.

Do we not have what you're looking for? Try using Google BooksAlthough the books you may find are only partially visible (see: copyright laws on the other page), it is a resource that can still provide a wealth of information.

What do you do once you find a book?

When conducting a big research project, it may be impossible for you to read every book in its entirety. Here are some tips on how to find some nuggets of information that may be useful.

  • The Table of Contents: see if there is a chapter title that obviously relates to your topic.
  • The Index: the index can help you identify specific words and topics within the text. Look for keywords that relate to your topic to find specific pages that may contain helpful information.
  • Online Reviews: book readers and professional critics typically point to specific passages to prove a point about the book. See if they mention something that leads you on the right path.
  • Searchable Results: using an ebook? See if you can search within the text for keywords.